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Newborn (3-5 days old) Jaundice Check, Weight Check, Feeding Issues,* Hepatitis B Vaccine
2 weeks Weight Check , Physical Exam , Newborn Screen #2, *Hepatitis B Vaccine
2 months – 6 months Physical Exam, Growth & Development, Vaccines
9 months Physical Exam, Growth & Development, *Vaccines
12 months Physical Exam, Growth & Development, Vaccines, Lead Screening , Finger Stick Hemoglobin, *TB Skin Test
15 months Physical Exam, Growth & Development, Vaccines
18 months Physical Exam, Growth & Development, Vaccines, M-Chat Screen
2 years Physical Exam, Growth & Development, *Vaccines, *Lead Skin, *TB Skin Test
2 ½ years (30 months) Physical Exam, Growth & Development, *Vaccines
3 years Physical Exam, Growth & Development, Hearing Screen And *TB Skin Test
4 years and older Annual Check- Up Recommended, Vision / Hearing Screen, Vaccines*. Other Laboratory Screening (Hb, Urinalysis, Lipid Panel, Tb Skin Test, etc.)